14岁的冲浪狗糖 成为第一只动物 在12月5日进入Surfers的名人堂 Surfing dog Sugar, 14, became the first animal inducted into the Surfers' Hall of Fame on Dec. 5.
糖是一只14岁的冲浪狗, 已成为第一个被引入加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩 的Surfers名人堂的动物。 Sugar, a 14-year-old surfing dog, has become the first animal inducted into the Surfers' Hall of Fame in Huntington Beach, California. 糖因赢得多次冲浪锦标赛而闻名, 糖也帮助屋主克服心理健康与毒品斗争。 Known for winning multiple surfing championships, Sugar has also helped her owner overcome mental health and drug struggles. 2024年12月5日的就职典礼, 庆祝她为体育做出的重大贡献及其对人民生活的影响。 The induction ceremony on December 5, 2024, honored her significant contributions to the sport and her impact on people's lives.