11 名犬类冲浪者和他们的人类伙伴参加了加州普瑞纳冠能不可思议的狗狗挑战赛和冲浪犬比赛。 11 canine surfers and their human partners competed in California's Purina Pro Plan Incredible Dog Challenges & Surf Dog Competition.
在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩,才华横溢的犬类冲浪者与它们的人类伙伴一起参加了一年一度的普瑞纳冠能不可思议狗狗挑战赛和冲浪犬比赛。 At Huntington Beach, California, talented canine surfers participated with their human partners in the annual Purina Pro Plan Incredible Dog Challenges & Surf Dog Competition. 不同年龄、形状、大小和品种的狗参加了比赛,反映了它们对水的热爱和生活的目标。 Dogs of various ages, shapes, sizes, and breeds competed, reflecting their love for water and a purpose in life. 许多犬类冲浪者通过拥有相同冲浪背景的人类伙伴学会享受这项运动,并且经常一起冲浪。 Many canine surfers learn to enjoy the sport through their human companions who share a surfing background, often surfing together regularly.