零售商利用AI聊天室协助度假购物,但准确性问题依然存在。 Retailers use AI chatbots for holiday shopping assistance, though accuracy issues persist.
亚马逊、沃尔玛、维多利亚秘密和宜家等零售商正在利用AI聊天机,提供个性化的产品建议和援助,以加强节日购物。 AI chatbots are being used by retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Victoria's Secret, and IKEA to enhance holiday shopping by offering personalized product recommendations and assistance. 这些聊天机器人使用人工智能回答问题并比较产品, 但有时它们可能提供不正确的信息. These chatbots use AI to answer questions and compare products, but they can sometimes provide incorrect information. 公司正在努力改进技术,使其对客户更加可靠和有用。 Companies are working to improve the technology to make it more reliable and helpful for customers.