尼日利亚机构逮捕工程师,因试图进口隐藏在机器中的合成大麻。 Nigerian agency arrests engineer for trying to import synthetic cannabis hidden in machinery.
尼日利亚国家禁毒执法机构逮捕了42岁的建筑工程师Egwu Phillip Inya,他试图从南非的压压机中收集7.4公斤的合成大麻株Loud。 The Nigerian National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) arrested Egwu Phillip Inya, a 42-year-old building engineer, for attempting to collect 7.4 kilograms of Loud, a synthetic cannabis strain, hidden in pressure machines from South Africa. 逮捕是在货物运抵拉各斯后在埃努古发生的。 The arrest took place in Enugu after the shipment arrived in Lagos. 国家禁毒执法机构还在各州最近的行动中缴获了1.8吨以上的麻醉品,并逮捕了多名嫌疑人。 NDLEA also seized over 1.8 tons of narcotics and arrested multiple suspects in recent operations across various states.