纽约官员为松鼠P'Nut及其朋友在一次财产突袭后进行狂犬病测试而安葬并留住了他们。 New York officials euthanized and kept P'Nut the squirrel and his friend for rabies tests after a property raid.
P'Nut, 一只著名的松鼠, 和他的浣熊朋友Fred 被安乐死 用于狂犬病检测 P'Nut, a well-known squirrel, and his raccoon friend Fred were euthanized for rabies testing after a raid on their owner's property in New York. 尽管测试结果为阴性,但P'Nut的无头尸体仍被国家作为证据扣押。 Despite testing negative, P'Nut's headless body is being held by the state as evidence. 主人Mark Longo想埋葬这些动物,但不准取回它们。 The owner, Mark Longo, wants to bury the animals but has not been allowed to retrieve them.