Mark Whitley在Lenoir县被捕,罪名是持有火器和毒品的重罪。 Mark Whitley was arrested for felony firearm possession and drug charges in Lenoir County.
Mark Whitley,43岁的Kinston男子,12月5日在Deep Run被Lenoir县治安官办公室逮捕,罪名是一名被定罪的重罪罪犯持有火器,并持有重罪毒品意图出售。 Mark Whitley, a 43-year-old man from Kinston, was arrested in Deep Run on December 5 by the Lenoir County Sheriff's Office on charges of felony possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and felony drug possession with intent to sell. 搜查他的车辆后发现有大麻和毒品包裹 A search of his vehicle revealed packaged marijuana and drug paraphernalia. 惠特利获得了42 500美元的担保金,目前被关押在Lenoir县监狱。 Whitley was given a $42,500 secured bond and is being held at the Lenoir County Jail.