国贸中心通过增加药用植物种植,增加农民收入,向保健产品扩展。 ITC expands into health products by boosting medicinal plant cultivation, boosting farmer incomes.
国贸中心农业商业司正在加紧种植Ashwagandha、Tulsi等药用植物和芳香植物,并大力种植突变植物,以扩大健康与健康市场。 ITC Agri Business Division is boosting the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants like Ashwagandha, Tulsi, and turmeric to expand into the health and wellness market. 这一举措帮助国贸中心满足对食品和个人护理产品的需求,同时将农民收入增加25%至30%。 This initiative helps ITC meet demand for its food and personal care products while increasing farmer incomes by 25-30%. 该公司正在与各州的农民合作,使其作物多样化并填补市场空白。 The company is working with farmers across various states to diversify their crops and fill gaps in the market.