以色列军队协助联合国维和人员击退戈兰高地边界附近的叙利亚叛军。 Israeli military aids UN peacekeepers in repelling Syrian rebels near the Golan Heights border.
以色列军方正在帮助戈兰高地的联合国维和人员击退叙利亚武装叛乱分子在哈德尔地区附近发动的袭击。 Israel's military is helping UN peacekeepers in the Golan Heights repel an attack by armed Syrian rebels near the Hader area. 叛军最近控制了靠近以色列边界的库奈特拉。 The rebels recently took control of Quneitra, close to the Israeli border. 以色列不是在直接干涉叙利亚,而是旨在防止对其领土的威胁。 Israel is not intervening directly in Syria but aims to prevent threats to its territory. 以色列军队为应对不断升级的局势,加强了在戈兰高地的部队。 The Israeli army has reinforced its forces in the Golan Heights in response to the escalating situation.