对在曼尼普尔杀害6名梅蒂平民的激进分子,家庭成员要求判处死刑。 Family members demand death penalty for militants who killed six Meitei civilians in Manipur.
包括Kuki激进分子在Manipur's Jiribam杀害的妇女和儿童在内的六位Meitei受害者家属要求判处死刑。 Family members of six Meitei victims, including women and children killed by Kuki militants in Manipur's Jiribam, are calling for the death penalty. 受害者在Assam边境附近的一个救济营被绑架,尸体被发现。 The victims were abducted from a relief camp and their bodies found near the Assam border. 国家调查局正在调查此案,该案加剧了社区紧张局势,并引发了对司法和赔偿的要求。 The National Investigation Agency is investigating the case, which has intensified community tensions and sparked demands for justice and compensation.