EPA低估了甲醛风险,可能低估与该化学品有关的癌症病例。 EPA underestimates formaldehyde risks, potentially undercounting cancer cases linked to the chemical.
根据Pro Publica的分析,许多家用和工业产品中发现了一种致癌化学品,甲醛是一种致癌化学品,对所有美国人的健康构成重大风险。 Formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical found in many household and industrial products, poses a significant health risk to all Americans, according to a ProPublica analysis. 环境保护署(环保署)低估了其危险,可能低估了与甲醛接触有关的癌症病例。 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has underestimated its dangers, potentially undercounting cancer cases linked to formaldehyde exposure. 尽管联邦监管者数十年来了解其风险,但由于行业影响和监管挑战,他们仍努力限制其使用。 Despite knowing about its risks for decades, federal regulators have struggled to limit its use due to industry influence and regulatory challenges.