哥伦比亚特区巡回法院维护美国环保局关于致癌乙基氧化乙烯排放的条例。 District of Columbia Circuit Court upholds EPA's regulation of cancer-causing ethylene oxide emissions.
哥伦比亚特区巡回法院驳回了石化制造商,包括亨特斯曼石化公司提出的诉讼,对环保局2020年针对化学工厂致癌排放的规则提出质疑。 The District of Columbia Circuit Court rejected a lawsuit from petrochemical manufacturers, including Huntsman Petrochemical, challenging the EPA's 2020 rule targeting cancer-causing emissions from chemical plants. 环保局确定,用于抗冻和塑料的环氧乙烷对公众健康构成威胁。 The EPA determined that ethylene oxide, used in antifreeze and plastics, posed a threat to public health. 法院支持环保局将环氧乙烷评估作为一种致癌风险,支持环保局目前为控制排放和保护公共健康所作的努力。 The court upheld the EPA's assessment of ethylene oxide as a carcinogenic risk, supporting the agency's ongoing efforts to regulate emissions and protect public health.