在Encinitas,2003年丰田Tacoma与2016年尼桑边境交火,两名乘客受重伤。 In Encinitas, a 2003 Toyota Tacoma collided with a 2016 Nissan Frontier, seriously injuring two occupants.
2003年丰田Tacoma与2016年尼桑边境在Santa Fe和Lake Drives交汇处Encinitas的星期五晚发生碰撞。 A collision between a 2003 Toyota Tacoma and a 2016 Nissan Frontier occurred Friday night in Encinitas at the intersection of Santa Fe and Lake Drives. 24岁的Tacoma驾驶员和一名23岁的乘客在Tacoma推翻并驱逐司机后严重受伤并住院。 The 24-year-old driver of the Tacoma and a 23-year-old passenger were seriously injured and hospitalized after the Tacoma overturned and ejected the driver. 驾驶边境的16岁女孩没有受伤。 The 16-year-old girl driving the Frontier was not hurt. 酒精和毒品没有被怀疑是坠机原因。 Alcohol and drugs are not suspected to have been factors in the crash.