在Bonnet Carre Spillway附近的I -10坠毁 22岁的乘客Curtis Collins丧生 A crash on I-10 near Bonnet Carre Spillway killed 22-year-old passenger Curtis Collins.
星期五,Bonnet Carre Spillway桥211里站附近I-10号桥发生致命事故,造成22岁的Curtis Collins死亡,他是一辆停靠的马兹达6号客车的乘客。 A fatal crash occurred on Friday on the Bonnet Carre Spillway bridge on I-10 near milepost 211, resulting in the death of 22-year-old Curtis Collins, a passenger in a stopped Mazda 6. 一辆Nissan Sentra车从后面击中了Mazda车,致使Mazda车撞了站在车外的司机。 The Mazda was hit from behind by a Nissan Sentra, causing the Mazda to strike its driver, who had been standing outside the car. 没有带安全带的柯林斯在现场死亡 Collins, who was not wearing a seatbelt, died at the scene. Mazda司机和Nissan司机获救后被送到医院,伤势轻微。 The Mazda driver and the Nissan driver were rescued and transported to the hospital with minor injuries. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.