52岁的Angelique Butler 在波特兰被捕 罪名是用刀子威胁人并偷睡袋 Angelique Butler, 52, arrested in Portland for threatening people with a knife and stealing a sleeping bag.
一名52岁的妇女Angelique Butler在波特兰被捕,据称他于星期六上午在Moda中心附近用刀子威胁人们并偷走一个睡袋。 A 52-year-old woman, Angelique Butler, was arrested in Portland for allegedly threatening people with a knife and stealing a sleeping bag near the Moda Center on Saturday morning. 刺伤受害人在警察到达前离开了现场。 The stabbing victim had left the scene before police arrived. 发现巴特勒带着被盗的睡袋和一把刀,被控抢劫、恐吓、非法使用武器和扰乱秩序。 Butler was found with the stolen sleeping bag and a knife and was charged with robbery, menacing, unlawful use of a weapon, and disorderly conduct. 当局正在寻求更多证人或受害者。 Authorities are seeking more witnesses or victims.