一名来自希腊(纽约)的24岁少年因涉嫌儿童色情和性侵犯而面临长达30年的监禁。 A 24-year-old from Greece, NY, faces up to 30 years in prison for alleged child pornography and sexual assault.
纽约州希腊24岁的Ahmed Yaqoob被一名联邦法官下令以制作和拥有儿童色情制品的罪名拘留候审。 Ahmed Yaqoob, a 24-year-old from Greece, NY, has been ordered by a federal judge to be detained pending trial on charges of producing and possessing child pornography. Yaqoob被指控在10月对两名12岁和14岁的未成年姐妹进行性攻击,在电话中记录了这些事件。 Yaqoob is accused of sexually assaulting two underage sisters, aged 12 and 14, in October, recording the incidents on his phone. 最初保释后,他现在面临强奸和掠夺性性侵犯等指控,可能被判处30年以下监禁。 Initially released on bail, he is now facing charges including rape and predatory sexual assault, with potential sentences of up to 30 years in prison.