Volusia县议员使用“Live 911”技术实时拨打911, Volusia County deputies use "LIVE 911" tech for real-time 911 call access, speeding emergency responses.
佛罗里达州沃卢西亚县的警察使用"LIVE 911"技术, 快速响应紧急情况, Volusia County deputies in Florida have seen dramatically faster response times to emergencies with the use of "LIVE 911" technology, which lets them hear 911 calls in real-time. 这一系统帮助议员抓获偷车贼、救援游泳者,并更快地逮捕嫌疑人,但并不增加调度员的工作量。 This system has helped deputies catch car thieves, rescue swimmers, and apprehend suspects more quickly, all while not increasing dispatchers' workload. Mike Chitwood警长希望这项技术的成功将鼓励其他部门采纳它。 Sheriff Mike Chitwood hopes the technology's success will encourage other departments to adopt it.