10月23日佛蒙特州于下午1时30分至2时30分测试其蓝警示系统, On October 23, Vermont tests its Blue Alert System for officer safety from 1:30-2:30pm.
10月23日, 佛蒙特州将测试其蓝警示系统, 目的是在一名执法人员严重受伤、死亡或失踪时告知公众。 On October 23, Vermont will test its Blue Alert System, designed to inform the public when a law enforcement officer is seriously injured, killed, or missing. 测试将于下午1时30分至2时30分进行,并将利用各种通信渠道,包括VT-Alert、电文板和电视/无线电警报。 The test will occur from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and will use various communication channels, including VT-Alert, message boards, and TV/radio alerts. 只有注册VT-Alert的人才会收到电话警报. Only those registered for VT-Alert will receive phone alerts. 这项工作旨在确保该系统在紧急情况下的有效性。 This exercise aims to ensure the system's effectiveness in emergencies.