在威斯康辛州的志愿者在周末活动中为饥饿儿童打包了147 000多份膳食。 Volunteers in Wisconsin packed over 147,000 meals for starving children in a weekend event.
在威斯康星州Little Chute的志愿者们,在圣约翰·内波穆塞纳天主教教会社区为饿死儿童提供食物的周末活动期间,为世界各地的贫困儿童打包了147 000多顿饭。 Volunteers in Little Chute, Wisconsin, packed over 147,000 meals for impoverished children worldwide during a weekend event hosted by St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church Community for Feed My Starving Children. 包括高中篮球运动员在内的大约240名志愿者参加了每个课程。 About 240 volunteers attended each session, including high school basketball players. 实际的膳食包装需要两小时,尽管准备量很大。 The actual meal packing took two hours, though preparation was extensive. 周末又举办了两期课程,全部是志愿人员。 Two more sessions were held over the weekend, all filled with volunteers.