在奥什科什公司的“喂养身体,喂养灵魂”活动上, 1 000名志愿者包装了200 000磅大米, 以消除威斯康辛东部的粮食无保障状况。 1,000 volunteers packaged 200,000 pounds of rice at Oshkosh Corporation's "Feed the Body, Feed the Soul" event to combat food insecurity in eastern Wisconsin.
Oshkosh公司与美国东威斯康星州食品公司合作,在Sunnyview博览中心举办了第七次“喂养身体,喂养灵魂”活动。 Oshkosh Corporation, in collaboration with Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, held its seventh "Feed the Body, Feed the Soul" event at the Sunnyview Expo Center. 1 000多名志愿人员包装了200 000磅大米,以应对威斯康辛东部的粮食无保障问题,使375个当地食品储藏室和收容所受益。 Over 1,000 volunteers packaged 200,000 pounds of rice to combat food insecurity in eastern Wisconsin, benefiting 375 local food pantries and shelters. 自该活动开始以来,它提供了100多万磅的食物。 Since its inception, the event has provided over a million pounds of food. 此外,Oshkosh宣布了7 290万美元的美国军车订单。 Additionally, Oshkosh announced a $72.9 million order for U.S. Army vehicles.