多伦多的母亲尽管法院下达了监护令,却在绑架女儿后仍被指控绑架。 Toronto mother charged with abduction after taking daughter despite court's custody order.
Camille Yeung, 多伦多母亲,据称在法院下令给予孩子父亲完全监护权之后,绑架了她7岁的女儿,因此被控犯有绑架罪。 Camille Yeung, a Toronto mother, has been charged with abduction after allegedly taking her seven-year-old daughter following a court order granting full custody to the child's father. 在Yeung没有遵守拘留令之后,警方发布一份声明,要求了解他们的下落。 Police issued a statement seeking information on their whereabouts after Yeung failed to comply with the custody order. 母亲和女儿后来被安全地找到,Yeung面临一起绑架罪,违反了监护令。 The mother and daughter were later located safely, and Yeung faces one count of abduction in contravention of a custody order.