三名台湾老人因参加被禁止的I-Kuan Tao宗教活动在中国被捕。 Three Taiwanese seniors arrested in China for participating in banned I-Kuan Tao religious activities.
三名70多岁的台湾国民在中国广东省因参加被禁止的I-Kuan Tao宗教活动被捕。 Three Taiwanese nationals in their seventies were arrested in China's Guangdong province for participating in I-Kuan Tao religious activities, which are banned. 他们被发现在中山市的一家私人住宅里读经文。 They were found reading scriptures at a private home in Zhongshan city. 台湾政府正在寻求中国官员的帮助, 并向他们的家属提供法律支持, 同时警告台湾人前往中国的风险会增加。 Taiwan's government is seeking help from Chinese officials and offering legal support to their families, while warning of increased risks for Taiwanese traveling to China.