强烈的美元和节庆呼吁吸引美国人到欧洲过圣诞节。 Strong dollar and festive appeal draw Americans to Europe for Christmas.
美国旅行者正在涌向欧洲过圣诞节, American travelers are flocking to Europe for the Christmas holiday, drawn by festive markets, historical ambiance, and unique holiday traditions. 巴黎和慕尼黑等城市提供明亮的灯光和星座装饰, 并打破美国节日的商业主义。 Cities like Paris and Munich offer dazzling lights, ornate decorations, and a break from the commercialism of American holidays. 美元坚挺也使欧洲成为负担得起的目的地,刺激了跨大西洋航班的激增。 The strong dollar also makes Europe an affordable destination, spurring a surge in transatlantic flights.