参议员Joe Manchin在40多年的公共服务中发表了参议院的最后演说。 Senator Joe Manchin gave his final Senate speech after over four decades in public service.
参议员Joe Manchin在西弗吉尼亚州服务了40多年,他在从参议院退休之前作了最后发言。 Senator Joe Manchin, who served West Virginia for over four decades, gave his final speech before retiring from the Senate. Manchin是前州长兼州立法者, 支持煤矿工退休金、宽带接入、以及《降低通胀法》等议题。 Manchin, a former governor and state legislator, championed issues like coal miners' pensions, broadband access, and the Inflation Reduction Act. 他计划继续与他女儿的组织“美国团结组织”合作,以招募政治温和派担任高级职务。 He plans to continue his work with his daughter's organization, Americans Together, aimed at recruiting political moderates for higher office.