密苏里州州长麦克·帕森的正式肖像被揭幕,这是新的州长厅展览的一部分。 Missouri Governor Mike Parson's official portrait was unveiled, part of a new Hall of Governors exhibit.
密苏里州州长Mike Parson和第一夫人Teresa Parson在密苏里州国会揭幕了Parson的官方肖像,标志着他担任第57届州长的任期。 Missouri Governor Mike Parson and First Lady Teresa Parson unveiled Parson's official portrait at the Missouri State Capitol, marking his tenure as the 57th governor. 这次仪式恰逢新的州长厅展览开幕,该展览向所有密苏里州州长颁发肖像和互动展品。 The ceremony coincided with the opening of the new Hall of Governors exhibit, which honors all of Missouri's governors with their portraits and interactive displays. 该展览由慈善家Sue Heckart资助,重点介绍以往总督的领导才能和面临的挑战。 The exhibit, funded by philanthropist Sue Heckart, highlights the leadership and challenges faced by past governors.