律师事务所调查在拟议的Arcadia生物科学和罗斯福资源公司合并中可能违反证券法的情况。 Law firms investigate potential securities law violations in the proposed Arcadia Biosciences and Roosevelt Resources merger.
Monteverde & Associates律师事务所和Rowley Law正在调查Arcadia生物科学公司和罗斯福资源公司拟议的合并,调查可能违反证券法的行为。 Law firms Monteverde & Associates and Rowley Law are investigating the proposed merger between Arcadia Biosciences and Roosevelt Resources, looking into potential securities law violations. 预计Arcadia的股东将拥有合并后合并公司约10%的股份,将于2025年初关闭。 Shareholders of Arcadia are expected to own about 10% of the combined company post-merger, set to close in early 2025. 关切的股东可向这些公司索取更多信息。 Shareholders with concerns can seek more information from these firms.