对Nxu, Inc. & Verde Bioresins, Inc. Nxu股东的兼并公平性进行了调查。 Investigation launched into Nxu, Inc. & Verde Bioresins, Inc. merger fairness for Nxu shareholders.
前路易斯安那州总检察长Charles C. Foti, Jr.和Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC正在调查Nxu公司和Verde Bioresins公司拟议合并一事。 Former Louisiana Attorney General Charles C. Foti, Jr. and Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC are investigating the proposed merger between Nxu, Inc. and Verde Bioresins, Inc. 调查的重点是Nxu股东兼并程序的公平性,Nxu股东将拥有该新实体的5%左右。 The inquiry focuses on the fairness of the merger process for Nxu shareholders, who will hold about 5% of the new entity. 感兴趣的个人可以免费联系KSF总裁Lewis S.Kahn,索取更多信息。 Interested individuals can reach out to KSF Managing Partner Lewis S. Kahn for more information at no cost.