印度总理莫迪(Modi)强调在1.5年内为青年创造近100万个政府就业岗位。 Indian PM Modi highlights creation of nearly one million government jobs for youth in 1.5 years.
总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)强调政府在过去1.5年中为青年提供近100万个长期政府就业机会的成就,强调青年在国家发展中的重要性。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted his government's achievement of providing nearly one million permanent government jobs to youths in the last 1.5 years, emphasizing the importance of youth in the country's development. Modi在虚拟活动期间散发了71 000多封任命书, 指出政府关注印度Make和Digital India等旨在增强青年权能的政策, During a virtual event, Modi distributed over 71,000 appointment letters and noted the government's focus on policies like Make in India and Digital India, aimed at empowering the youth. 他还强调必须通过诸如Jan Dhan账户等举措消除语言障碍并赋予妇女权力。 He also stressed the importance of removing language barriers and empowering women through initiatives like Jan Dhan accounts.