特克萨卡纳警方在一次诱捕行动中逮捕了 5 名涉嫌招揽生意的男子,其中 3 人被控招揽未成年人。 5 men arrested in Texarkana sting operation for solicitation, including 3 charged with soliciting minors.
特克萨卡纳市警方与多家机构合作,进行了为期多日的诱捕行动,逮捕了五名因涉嫌招揽顾客而被捕的男子。 Texarkana police, in collaboration with multiple agencies, conducted a multi-day sting operation, leading to the arrest of five men for solicitation charges. 其中三人因与假扮未成年女孩的便衣警察进行交流而被控招揽未成年人,另外两人则因招揽成年妓女而被捕。 Three were charged with soliciting minors after allegedly communicating with an undercover officer posing as an underage girl, while the other two were arrested for soliciting adult prostitutes. 所有人都被关押在双州县监狱。 All were booked into the Bi-State County Jail.