古吉拉特邦在YouTube上直播法庭直播, 并揭幕133个数字司法改革项目。 Gujarat launches live court streaming on YouTube and unveils ₹133 crore projects for digital judicial reforms.
古吉拉特邦成为印度第一个在YouTube上进行直播法庭诉讼的邦,目的是提高司法效率。 Gujarat became the first Indian state to live-stream court proceedings on YouTube, aiming to boost judicial efficiency. 首席部长Bhupendra Patel与最高法院法官Suryakant一道,发起了价值133卢比的项目,旨在改善司法基础设施,包括虚拟法院和无纸电子存档。 Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, alongside Supreme Court Justice Suryakant, launched projects worth ₹133 crores aimed at improving judicial infrastructure, including virtual courts and paperless e-filing. 这些倡议反映了国家对数字化和增加司法机构资源的承诺。 The initiatives reflect the state's commitment to digitalization and increasing resources for the judiciary.