在雅典爆发冲突, 抗议者纪念2008年青少年致命的警察枪击事件一周年, Clashes erupt in Athens as protesters mark anniversary of 2008 teen's fatal police shooting.
在雅典,在庆祝2008年警方枪击15岁的Alexandros Grigoropoulos事件16周年的年度游行中,警察和示威者之间爆发了冲突。 In Athens, clashes broke out between police and protesters during an annual march marking the 16th anniversary of the 2008 police shooting of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos. 这一事件引发了暴乱,导致5 000人游行抗议。 The event sparked riots and led to 5,000 people marching in protest. 当局部署了5 000名警官、无人驾驶飞机和水炮来维持秩序,一些逮捕是在暴力对抗中进行的。 Authorities deployed 5,000 police officers, drones, and water cannons to maintain order, with some arrests made amid violent confrontations.