中国在Taklimakan沙漠周围完成了大规模绿化带,以防治荒漠化。 China completes massive green belt around Taklimakan Desert to fight desertification.
中国已完成了在Taklimakan沙漠周围防治荒漠化的重大项目,创建了3 046公里的绿带。 China has finished a major project to combat desertification around the Taklimakan Desert, creating a 3,046 km green belt. 这项倡议是世界最大的植树造林方案“三北掩蔽带森林方案”的一部分,该方案在46年中将其森林面积扩大了3 200万公顷。 This initiative is part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program, the world's largest afforestation program, which has expanded its forested area by 32 million hectares over 46 years. 光伏发电和机器人种植等创新方法也正被用于加强绿化带和促进该区域的经济发展。 Innovative methods like photovoltaics and robotic planting are also being used to strengthen the green belt and promote economic development in the region.