中国自2012年以来,将荒漠化土地减少了430万公顷,目标是到2030年实现“无土地退化”。 China has reduced desertified land by 4.3 million hectares since 2012, aiming for "land degradation neutrality" by 2030.
自2012年以来,中国在防治荒漠化、管理53%的可治理沙漠土地、将荒漠化土地减少430万公顷方面取得了长足进步。 China has made significant strides in combating desertification, managing 53% of treatable desert land and reducing desertified land by 4.3 million hectares since 2012. 三北掩蔽带森林方案发挥了关键作用,帮助控制了45%的荒漠化土地,并管理了约61%的土壤侵蚀地区。 The Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program has played a key role, helping control over 45% of desertified land and managing about 61% of soil erosion areas. 中国的目标是到2030年实现“避免土地退化”的目标,并已通过科学措施、法律框架改进以及无人机播种等技术革新提前实现这一目标。 China aims to achieve "land degradation neutrality" by 2030 and has already met this goal ahead of schedule through scientific measures, legal framework improvements, and technological innovations like drone seeding.