对四名抗议者的指控被撤销,他们因丰业银行的投资而破坏了 2023 年吉勒奖。 Charges dropped for four protesters who disrupted the 2023 Giller Prize over Scotiabank's investments.
5名抗议者中有4人扰乱了2023年Giller奖颁奖仪式,他们携带迹象,指控斯科舍银行通过投资于以色列军火制造商Elbit Systems,资助种族灭绝,致使他们的起诉被撤销。 Four out of five protesters who disrupted the 2023 Giller Prize ceremony by carrying signs accusing Scotiabank of funding genocide through its investment in Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems have had their charges dropped. 第五名抗议者的指控仍有待审理。 The fifth protester's charges remain pending. 抗议者是CanLit Responds团体的一部分,最初被指控为犯罪恶作剧,并使用伪造的证件进入活动。 The protesters, part of the group CanLit Responds, were initially charged with criminal mischief and using a forged document to enter the event. Giller基金会表示完全支持言论自由和抗议权。 The Giller Foundation has stated its full support for freedom of speech and the right to protest.