吉勒奖因与以色列有关的赞助者而面临抗议, The Giller Prize faces protests over sponsors linked to Israel, leading to a taped award ceremony.
吉勒奖是加拿大的一项重大文学奖,由于由斯科舍银行和其他与以色列有联系的资助者赞助,目前面临争议。 The Giller Prize, a major Canadian literary award, is facing controversy due to its sponsorship by Scotiabank and other funders linked to Israel. 这导致了抗议和抵制,一些作者将他们的书籍从考虑范围移开。 This has led to protests and boycotts, with some authors removing their books from consideration. 尽管受到批评,颁奖仪式仍将继续举行,但将录制下来,稍后播出。 Despite the criticism, the award ceremony will proceed but will be taped and aired later. 吉勒基金会已经将斯科舍银行的名字从奖项中剔除,但目前维持赞助地位。 The Giller Foundation has removed Scotiabank's name from the prize but maintains the sponsorship for now.