伯明翰警方逮捕了 21 岁的亚历克斯·杜博斯 (Alex Dubose),他在枪击导致一名 18 个月大的孩子和一名成人受伤后以谋杀未遂罪名逮捕了他。 Birmingham police arrested Alex Dubose, 21, for attempted murder after a shooting injured an 18-month-old and an adult.
Birmingham警察逮捕了21岁的Alex Dubose,他被控谋杀未遂,并将火器射入一辆被占领车辆。 Birmingham police arrested 21-year-old Alex Dubose, who is charged with attempted murder and discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle. 11月17日,一个服务站发生枪击事件,一名18个月大的女童和一名成年男子分别乘车受伤。 The shooting on November 17 at a service station injured an 18-month-old girl and an adult male in separate vehicles. 据认为,Dubose是针对该儿童的成年家庭成员的。 Dubose is believed to have been targeting an adult family member of the child. 他被关押在Jefferson县监狱,押金为135,000美元。 He is held in Jefferson County Jail on a $135,000 bond.