阿萨姆内阁批准新的发展部门、乙醇奖励和囚犯死亡补偿。 Assam Cabinet approves new development department, ethanol incentives, and prisoner death compensation.
阿萨姆内阁批准设立巴拉克河谷发展部,以促进该区域的公平发展和就业机会。 The Assam Cabinet approved the creation of the Barak Valley Development Department to promote equitable development and job opportunities in the region. 他们还批准了对乙醇生产的每公升2卢比的财政奖励,以提高农民的收入和鼓励使用清洁燃料。 They also approved a financial incentive of Rs 2 per liter for ethanol production to boost farmers' income and encourage cleaner fuels. 此外,批准对死于非自然原因的囚犯的近亲给予最高4万卢比的赔偿。 Additionally, compensation of up to Rs 4 lakh was approved for the next of kin of prisoners who die from unnatural causes.