津巴布韦的股市在11月下跌32%, 央行将利率提升至35%。 Zimbabwe's stock market drops 32% in November as the central bank raises interest rates to 35%.
津巴布韦的股票市场在11月市场资本化下降了32%,原因是股票估值过低和价格停滞。 Zimbabwe's stock market saw a 32% drop in market capitalization in November due to undervalued stocks and stagnant prices. 全部分享指数下降了8.31%,而中央银行则将基准利率提高到35%以控制通货膨胀。 The All-Share Index fell by 8.31%, while the Central Bank raised the benchmark interest rate to 35% to control inflation. 津巴布韦证券交易委员会(SecZim)正在推动改革,从刑事处罚转向民事处罚,以更好地遏制金融犯罪。 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SecZim) is pushing for reforms, moving from criminal to civil penalties to better deter financial crimes.