世界银行敦促津巴布韦在谈判21B债务之前稳定经济12个月。 World Bank urges Zimbabwe to stabilize economy for 12 months before negotiating $21B debt.
世界银行敦促津巴布韦在与国际债权人谈判其210亿美元的债务之前至少稳定其经济12个月。 The World Bank has urged Zimbabwe to stabilize its economy for at least 12 months before negotiating its $21 billion debt with international creditors. 该国面临美元对美元的货币大幅贬值,当地货币价值为13.96美元,在平行市场上交易16至26美元。 The country is facing significant currency depreciation against the US dollar, with the local currency valued at 13.96 and trading between 16 and 26 in the parallel market. 津巴布韦储备银行正在加紧努力,以遏制这一下降趋势,自1999年以来,这一下降助长了持续的经济挑战。 The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is intensifying efforts to combat this decline, which has contributed to ongoing economic challenges since 1999.