联合王国的研究发现,在流行的节日浴缸中巧克力的分布差异很大。 UK study finds significant variations in distribution of chocolates in popular festive tubs.
最近对英国流行的节日巧克力浴缸进行的一项研究显示,个别巧克力的分布情况有很大差异。 A recent study of popular UK festive chocolate tubs revealed significant variations in the distribution of individual chocolates. Quality Street 有 8 个焦糖漩涡和 4 个绿色三角形,Roses 有 52 种巧克力的均衡混合,Celebrations 有 11 种银河巧克力和 4 块银河巧克力,而 Heroes 有 11 根软糖棒和 4 种 Twirls。 Quality Street had eight Caramel Swirls and four Green Triangles, Roses had a balanced mix of 52 chocolates, Celebrations featured 11 Milkyway chocolates and four Galaxy chunks, while Heroes contained 11 Fudge sticks and four Twirls. 注意到由于制造工艺和供应链问题造成的微小差异,客户反馈对于确定混合组合至关重要。 Minor variations due to manufacturing processes and supply chain issues were noted, with customer feedback being crucial for determining the mix.