两头牛和一只羊打乱了Kemptville早上的高峰时间,导致警察和动物管制干预。 Two cows and a sheep disrupted Kemptville's morning rush hour, leading to a police and animal control intervention.
12月6日,两头奶牛和一头羊在清晨的高峰时间漫步到Kemptville市中心,引起骚动。 On December 6th, two cows and a sheep wandered into downtown Kemptville during the morning rush hour, causing a stir. 安大略省警察局和动物管制局努力不让动物进入交通,直到发现其主人。 The Ontario Provincial Police and animal control worked to keep the animals away from traffic until their owner was found. 警察警告说,如果牲畜一再逃跑,农场主可能面临超过400美元的罚款。 Police warned that farm owners could face fines over $400 if their animals escape repeatedly.