三头奶牛从缅因岛的一辆拖车上掉下来,其中两头可能因受伤而被安葬。 Three cows fell off a trailer on the Maine Turnpike, with two likely to be euthanized due to injuries.
星期一,在Lewiston79号出口地附近的缅因特恩皮克附近,一辆牛车的后门被拆开,导致三头奶牛掉在路上,另一头牛逃入树林。 On Monday, a cattle trailer on the Maine Turnpike near Exit 79 in Lewiston had its rear doors unlatch, causing three cows to fall onto the road and a fourth to flee into the woods. 一头牛腿骨折,两头牛有道路皮疹,还有两头牛因严重受伤而预期被安乐死。 One cow suffered a broken leg, two had road rash, and two are expected to be euthanized due to severe injuries. 司机Dustin Bubar被指有未担保的载荷。 The driver, Dustin Bubar, was cited for having an unsecured load. 当他重新装载动物时,交通暂时受到影响。 Traffic was temporarily affected as he reloaded the animals.