Toader Hotca Florea因超速超过200公里而被判处一年监禁, Toader Hotca Florea sentenced to a year in jail for speeding over 200 kph, refusing a breath test.
49岁的Toader Hotca Florea因危险驾驶和拒绝呼吸测试被判处12个月监禁,因为他与5名乘客一起冲过一辆警车,车速超过200公里。 Toader Hotca Florea, 49, was sentenced to 12 months in jail for dangerous driving and refusing a breath test after he sped past a police car at over 200 kph with five passengers. 德斯蒙德·扎伊丹法官强调了超速的危险,这种超速往往造成重伤或死亡。 Judge Desmond Zaidan highlighted the dangers of speeding, which often results in severe injuries or fatalities. Florea因危险驾驶接受了6个月,并因拒绝呼吸测试接受了另外6个月。 Florea received six months for dangerous driving and another six for refusing the breath test. 他还被禁止驾驶6年,必须发出1 000欧元的上诉保证书。 He was also banned from driving for six years and must post a €1,000 appeal bond.