39岁的Sobia Iqbal因诬告一名无辜者在哈罗盖特超速,导致受害者罚款和失业,被判处缓刑。 39-year-old Sobia Iqbal receives suspended prison sentence for falsely accusing an innocent person of her speeding offense in Harrogate, leading to the victim's fine and job loss.
39 岁的索比亚·伊克巴尔 (Sobia Iqbal) 在哈罗盖特错误地将超速犯罪归咎于一名无辜者后,被判处缓刑四个月,她在那里被发现以 43 英里/小时的速度在 30 英里/小时的区域内行驶。 Sobia Iqbal, 39, received a suspended four-month prison sentence after falsely blaming an innocent person for her speeding offense in Harrogate, where she was caught driving 43mph in a 30mph zone. 她的欺骗导致受害者被罚款和失业。 Her deception led to the victim being fined and losing their job. 在调查后发现Iqbal是真正的司机,她承认犯有妨害司法罪,必须支付500英镑的赔偿金和128英镑的附加费。 Following an investigation that revealed Iqbal was the actual driver, she pleaded guilty to perverting justice and must pay £500 in compensation and a £128 surcharge.