得克萨斯州立法者仔细检查大学教授的影响力,重点是教师参议院在制订课程方面的作用。 Texas lawmakers scrutinize university professors' influence, focusing on faculty senates' role in shaping curriculum.
得克萨斯州立法者正在研究大学教授的影响, 保守派则声称教授正在向学生推崇极左派的意识形态。 Texas lawmakers are examining the influence of university professors, with conservatives claiming that professors are pushing far-left ideologies on students. 批准政策和制定课程的学院参议院是这一辩论的核心。 Faculty senates, which approve policies and shape curriculum, are central to this debate. 由教职员工选举出来的这些群体认为,他们应该在大学决策中拥有重要发言权,这与一些立法者提出的关切相反。 These groups, elected by faculty, argue that they should have a significant voice in university decisions, contrary to concerns raised by some lawmakers.