十岁的Leah Harrison在一次学校旅行中死于泥石流;调查没有发现任何过错。 Ten-year-old Leah Harrison died in a mudslide during a school trip; investigation found no fault.
10岁的Leah Harrison在5月前往卡尔顿冒险中心的学校旅行中死于一场奇怪的泥石流。 Ten-year-old Leah Harrison died in a freak mudslide during a school trip to Carlton Adventure Centre in May. 卫生与安全执行官结束了调查,发现没有过错,没有采取进一步行动。 The Health and Safety Executive concluded its investigation, finding no fault and taking no further action. Leah的学校社区为她失去亲人而哀悼, Leah's school community has mourned her loss, leaving tributes outside her school. 事件发生在一次大雨警告中,地方当局向受影响者表示哀悼。 The incident occurred during a heavy rain warning, and the local authority expressed condolences to those affected.