科学家开发潜在的尿液测试 以检测早期肺癌, 识别“僵尸”细胞。 Scientists develop potential urine test to detect early lung cancer, identifying "zombie" cells.
剑桥大学科学家开发了潜在的尿检,以检测肺癌的早期征兆。 Scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a potential urine test to detect early signs of lung cancer. 测试鉴定了"僵尸"细胞的蛋白质 可以促进癌症的生长 The test identifies proteins from "zombie" cells that can promote cancer growth. 研究者希望很快能开始人类试验。 Successfully tested on mice, the researchers hope to soon begin human trials. 早期检测可能导致更好的治疗结果,由英国癌症研究公司资助,作为目前扫描的一种更廉价的替代方法。 Early detection could lead to better treatment outcomes and is funded by Cancer Research UK as a cheaper alternative to current scans.