特朗普的盟友里克·格雷内尔试图成为国务卿,向影响者提供金钱支持他。 Ric Grenell, a Trump ally, sought to become Secretary of State, offering influencers money to support him.
Trump的忠诚者、前驻德国大使Ric Grenell寻求担任国务卿。 Ric Grenell, a Trump loyalist and former ambassador to Germany, sought the role of Secretary of State. 他提供社交媒体影响力人士五位数的合同, 提升Grenell在网上的地位, An associate of his offered social media influencers five-figure contracts to promote Grenell online, though the posts had to appear genuine. 尽管这次竞选,特朗普还是选择了佛罗里达参议员马科·鲁比奥担任这一职位。 Despite the campaign, Trump chose Florida Senator Marco Rubio for the position. Grenell以支持特朗普的政策而著称,他被赋予了其他角色,但遭到拒绝。 Grenell, known for his support of Trump's policies, was offered other roles but declined them.