Rapper Zamera指控市议会官员 在按摩期间秘密拍摄她 要求道歉 Rapper Zamaera accuses city council officer of secretly filming her during a massage, demands apology.
Rapper Zamera指控一名Subang Jaya市议会官员在按摩期间秘密记录她的情况,称这是对隐私的侵犯。 Rapper Zamaera accused a Subang Jaya City Council officer of secretly recording her during a massage session, claiming it was an invasion of privacy. Zamera在社交媒体上张贴这段影片, 要求公开道歉及澄清市议会对此类机构的标准程序。 Zamaera posted the video on social media and demands a public apology and clarification on the city council's standard procedures for such establishments. 市议会尚未对这些指控发表评论。 The city council has not yet commented on the allegations.