新密歇根州州警队在工作第4天用心肺复苏术挽救了一名妇女的生命。 New Michigan State Police troopers saved a woman's life with CPR on their fourth day on the job.
密歇根州警察局警员Noah Misiak与警官Rachel Olesen在第四个工作日帮助拯救了一名60岁的妇女,她在上半岛的汽车中摔倒。 On his fourth day of work, Michigan State Police trooper Noah Misiak, along with fellow officer Rachel Olesen, helped save a 60-year-old woman who had collapsed in her car in the Upper Peninsula. 警官们在该妇女的儿子的帮助下进行了心肺复苏术,她恢复了脉搏,然后被送往MyMichiggan医疗中心,在那里她现在处于稳定状态。 The officers performed CPR with the help of the woman's son, and she regained her pulse before being taken to MyMichigan Medical Center, where she is now in stable condition. 两名士兵的迅速和专业反应受到赞扬。 Both troopers were praised for their quick and professional response.