在心理健康危机期间,57岁的男子从西雅图的火车轨上获救,时间正好在火车来之前。 57-year-old man rescued from train tracks in Seattle, moments before oncoming train, during mental health crisis.
10月7日, 在西雅图,警察在火车即将到来之前, 将一名57岁男子从火车轨迹上救出。 On October 7 in Seattle, police officers rescued a 57-year-old man from train tracks moments before an oncoming train arrived. 这名男子在经历心理健康危机时跌了25英尺,伤势严重,行动不便。 The man, who had fallen 25 feet while experiencing a mental health crisis, was seriously injured and immobile. 一名军官冒着生命危险把他拉到安全的地方,防止了潜在的悲剧。 An officer risked his life to pull him to safety, preventing a potential tragedy. 这名男子在现场接受治疗,并被送往港景医疗中心,伤势严重,多处骨折。 The man was treated at the scene and transported to Harborview Medical Center in critical condition with multiple fractures.